Without taking this journey as a housekeeper,

I would have missed out on so much

personal growth.


I'm paying it forward by passing along

some life lessons.

Susan shares her journey

with relatable life lessons

for both men and women.

"...a delightful book-- a reflection on learning, friendship and joy!"

-- from an Amazon review

Which path will you take?

It's your journey.

Most of us set out with certain career and life goals, but we don't always anticipate the serious speed bumps and detours we may take on the way to achieving those goals. Marriage. Kids. Divorce. Health issues. Aging parents. Who knows what will get in the way of all those marvelous Plans.


What happens when your Plan A isn't working out? Do you have a Plan B?

When you don't have a Plan B when you need it, you'll find yourself living life as though you're just along for the ride. You can end up going a lot of places that may not be in your best interest. You may waste a lot of time on things that don't matter.




LEARN to do better.

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© 2020-2024 Susan Crocker
All rights reserved